Traffic Injury Unit

Specialized center to guarantee the success of the treatment

Hospital Policlinico La Paloma is a member of the national agreement between the Unión Española de Entidades Aseguradoras (UNESPA) (Spanish Union of Insurance Entities), the Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros (Insurance Compensation Consortium) and the Federación Nacional de Hospitales (Hospitals National Federation). We are a reference in the care of injured in road accidents. Thus, having the best specialists and the latest technology to attend to any type of patient, whatever their status. We offer 24H emergency, diagnostic tests, consultations with specialists, rehabilitation, hospitalisation and surgery.

Patients can choose the hospital or centre they want to be treated at. In no case is this the insurer’s decision. Sometimes the insurance company imposes on its insured the place to go to be diagnosed and treated after an accident. However, the insured is the one with the final word and it will be the insurance the responsible of the costs of their insured’s treatment.

No need to pay any payment

Those involved in an accident must have it clear that they can choose Hospital La Paloma’s Traffic Injury Unit and they will not have to pay anything at entrance. The Hospital itself handles all expenses arising from your care with your insurer. You simply have to indicate, at the entrance, the license plate of your vehicle, the one of the opposite car and the insurance information. If you are a pedestrian, the data of the vehicle that caused the accident.

It should also be clear that patients going to lower-level outpatient centres can affect the duration of treatments and the classification of injuries. This directly affects the calculation of the compensation that may correspond.

Who is entitled to medical assistance?

  • Passenger: always.
  • Driver: when there is another vehicle involved in the accident.
  • Pedestrian: always.

Unidad de lesionados de tráfico Canarias

We put at your disposal all the services that only a Hospital can offer you:

  • 24h Emergency.
  • Surgical area.
  • Hospital Beds
  • Radiology.
  • Traumatology
  • Rehabilitation.
  • Neurosurgery.
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU).


Traffic Injuries Unit:

Tel. 687 910 219 – 687 910 893


Monday to Friday: from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturdays: from 8:00 to 12:00

24H switchboard:

Tel. 928 234 466

100,000 car accidents with victims per year in Spain

In Spain, almost 100,000 road accidents with victims involved are registered each year. In these, on average, 115,000 people are injured. In many cases injuries are not perceived just after the accident, but several hours or days later, so it is convenient to pay attention to the symptoms and signs. Hospital de La Paloma is specialised in caring for road injuries. Our specialists have the latest medical updates to achieve complete recovery and ensure proper rehabilitation. Traffic incidents in the vast majority of cases represent a medical emergency.

Injuries derived from road accidents represent one of the biggest public health problems in the developed world. In the Canary Islands, traffic injuries are the first cause of spinal cord injury. Therefore, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation are essential to improve prognosis. Most of these injuries, specifically 75%, happen to motorcyclists, who are the most vulnerable group.

76% of traffic accidents star men

Males account for 7 out of 10 traffic incidents, specifically 76%, while women star the remaining 34%. In 1993, the percentage of injured women stood at 14%, which is why there is a tendency towards equality in these cases too. The index of women with driving licenses grows year after year, leaving behind the belief that men are more capable drivers.

There are several types of traffic injuries, depending on the affected areas of the body.

Muscular injuries

These injuries affect the muscular zone. Here we find fibrillar tears, spasms or contusions.

Tendinous injuries

The tendons are an indispensable part of our locomotor system. Car accidents can cause breakages in these areas, which should be classified as a serious injury requiring immediate care, usually surgical, especially if there is a complete breakage.

Bone injuries

Here we find fractures and fissures. They represent incapacitating injuries that require immediate care, especially fractures.

Joint injuries

The affections in the joints after a road accident are very common. Sprains and dislocations are the most frequent injuries, although breakage of ligaments can also occur.


Traffic accidents can also lead to cuts, bruises and traumas of various kinds.

10% of injuries become chronic

The most common injury generated by car accidents is located in the cervical area. Injuries in this area usually heal within 1 to 3 months. However, 10% of cases, unfortunately, are chronic and condemns the patient to suffer pain throughout their lives. This happens due to the fact that  you do not receive the right treatment at the time you need it. If this happens, the only solution to solve this chronic pain is to destroy the nerves involved in that injury.

Take into account that many of those injured in a road accident will require hospitalisation and rehabilitation. Although these figures increase or decrease, depending on the year, but maintain a high incidence. Resulting this, in a primary problem as the evolution of the injured, and possible future aftermath suffering, depends a lot on the medical centre where they are treated.